1)Zheng Chen, Wenjie Duan, Qinqiao Liu. The Protective Role of Character Strengths in School Adjustment: Compensating the low ability group. Psychology and Positive Education in Asia: Understanding and Fostering Well-being in Schools. 2023, Springer (In publication). (Book Chapter) 2) Xu, H. , & Chen, Z. . (2022). Perceived teacher procedural justice and aggressive behaviors among Chinese primary students: the mediating roles of negative evaluation of school rules and malicious envy. Social Psychology of Education, 26(1), 25-44. (SSCI期刊) 3) Wenjie Duan, Yansi Kong, Zheng Chen & Wenlong Mu (2022): COVID-19- induced social exclusion and quality of life among Chinese adolescents in the context of family education: the mediating role of perceived control, Educational Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2022.2099529 (SSCI期刊) 4) Duan, W., Kong, Y., Bu, H., Guan, Q., Chen, Z., Luo, Q., & Zhang, J. (2022). The Online Strength-Informed Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Among COVID-19-Affected Adolescents. Research on Social Work Practice, 32(4), 465-474.(SSCI 期刊) 5) Mu Wenlong, Zheng Chen, Wenjie Duan. An Extended Evaluation of Academic Encouragement Scale for Adolescents. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment (2020.12.18, online) https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0734282920977723 (SSCI期刊) 6) Yumei Li, Wenjie Duan, Zheng Chen. Latent profiles of the comorbidity of the symptoms for post-traumatic stress disorder and generalized anxiety disorder among children and adolescents who are susceptible to COVID-19. Children and Youth Services Review, 2020, 116 (Available online 08 July 2020) doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105235 (SSCI期刊) 7) Wenjie Duan, Bo, H., & Zheng. C. Covid-19-related stigma profiles and risk factors among people who are at high risk of contagion. Social Science & Medicine, 2020, 266. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113425 (SSCI期刊) 8) Wenjie Duan, Zheng Chen, & Samuel M. Y. Ho. Positive Education: Theory, Practice, and Evidence. Frontiers in Psychology, 2020(11): 427-431.doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00427 (SSCI期刊) 9) 陈峥,卜凡燕,禹双文.从共情走向领悟:概念辨析、心理机制与课堂实践[J].基础教育课程, 2023, 343(04):59-64.(中文核心) 10) 陈峥, 禹双文,卜凡燕.用6A循证教研模式突破教师用证与制证难题[J].教师教育论坛, 2022, 35(12):19-22. 学术著作
[美]安娜?赫伯特 著,陈峥 译.创造力教育学[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2014. 陈峥.新课程改革下的教师领导与教师专业发展[M].武汉:华中师范大学出版社,2012. [美]英特拉托 主编,方彤,陈峥,郭婧 译.我的教学勇气[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社,2008. 科研项目
主持纵向课题 1) 2018湖北省教育科学规划重点课题《基于发现实现呈现的教师核心素养学习模式研究》(2018GA003)起止时间:2018-2022年 2) 2017湖北省教育科学规划专项资助重点课题《湖北省少先队活动课程的实施现状与建设研究》(2017ZA048)。起止时间:2017-2019 主持横向课题(近年) 1) 2020-2023年,官士墩中学委托课题《官士墩中学幸福阅读课程开发》。 2) 2019-2021年, 武汉市第25中委托课题 《武汉市第25中学阳光教育研究》。 该校获2023年湖北省教学质量成果奖特等奖。 3) 2019-2021年,武汉市经济技术开发区官士墩中学委托课题 《官士墩中学分层走班对教育质量与公平的影响评价研究》。 4) 2018-2021年,十堰市竹溪县教师发展中心委托课题《竹溪县绿色生态课程改革研究》。 参与国际研究项目 Translation of VIA for Youth Around World (Chinese) led by Prof. Duan Wenjie from East China University of Science and Technology and staff from Fairleigh Dickinson University (USA), 2023. |