(上次更新:2024年9月) 期刊论文: 【1】《学术与政治的纠葛:民国时期的中国政治学会及其庇护主义》,《中国政治学》,2024年3月16日收编辑部用稿通知。 【2】“Political scientists’ Track II diplomacy”. International Journal of Asian Studies. Published first online on 24 May 2024. A&HCI; DOI: 10.1017/S1479591424000172. 【3】“A path not taken”. Asian Studies Review. 47:4 (2023.12), pp. 818-835. A&HCI and SSCI; DOI: 10.1080/10357823.2023.2198196. 【4】“国际法会及其历史之初探(1912-1916)”,《政治大学历史学报》,第51期(2019.05),第55-82页。(Taiwan Humanities Citation Index)
【5】“圣安德鲁修道院杂记:陆征祥的史料、回忆录、与传记”,《古今论衡》,第31期(2018.10),第165-176页。 【6】“Other than the political and the institutional: The Lu Zhengxiang collection at St. Andrew’s Abbey, Bruges, Belgium and its historical significance and value”, European Journal of Sinology, 07 (2016.12), pp. 39-66. (European Citation Index) 【7】“同中有异的社会科学中国化:蒋廷黻与萧公权之对比”,《国史馆馆刊》,第44期(2015.06),第91-118页。(Taiwan Humanities Citation Index) 【8】“Self-disciplining China with the scientific study of the state: Lu Zhengxiang and The Chinese Social and Political Science Association, 1915-1920”, History of Science, 53:1 (2015.03), pp. 9-20. (doi: 10.1177/0073275314567432) (SSCI) 专书(论文集)之一章: 【1】“Political science”, in Howard Chiang ed., The Making of the Human Sciences in China: Historical and Conceptual Foundations (Leiden: Brill, 2019), pp. 374-401. 书评: 【1】Review: Emily Hauptmann, Foundations and American Political Science: The Transformation of a Discipline, 1945-1970 (Lawrence: The University Press of Kansas, 2022). History of the Human Sciences. Published online on 12 June 2023. https://www.histhum.com/review-emily-hauptmann-foundations-and-american-political-science/ 【2】“历史社会学的力量 [The Power of Historical Sociology], by Guo Taihui, Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2021; 369 pp (including the bibliography and postscript), RMB ?59.00: ISBN 9787100200028”, International Sociology Reviews, 37:2 (2022.03), pp. 253-255. (doi: 10.1177/02685809221102698) 【3】“Protestant Bible Translation and Mandarin as the National Language of China. By George Kam Wah Mak. pp. 413. Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2017”, Journal of Royal of Asiatic Society, 29:4 (2019.10), pp. 751-753. (doi: 10.1017/S1356186318000573) (Art & Humanities Citation Index) 【4】“State for the People or State for War? The Intellectual Officers, Military Science and Military Change before the Second Sino-Japanese War, by KWONG Chi Man, Hong Kong, Chungwa Books, 2017, 368 pp., ISBN 978-988-8488-08-7”, Journal of Modern Chinese History, 12:1 (2018.07), pp. 172-174. (doi: 10.1080/17535654.2018.1463736) (Emerging Sources Citation Index) 科研项目: 【1】(后)现代性与中国研究基地,武汉大学-昆山杜克大学联合科研平台种子基金支持计划(立项编号:XXWHUDKUZZJJ202305)。(与曹龙虎、朱成燕共同主持) 【2】“政治学与行政学专业新开课《专业英语》的课程建设规划与教学创新”(2023年武汉大学本科教育质量建设综合改革子项目/教师教学发展研究项目)(与陈刚、夏守智共同执行) 【3】“政治学的诠释转向”(2022年武汉大学自主科研项目(人文社会科学)/中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金)。 |