近日,我院青年教师夏守智博士在区域研究权威期刊《The China Quarterly》上发表题为“Fandom Culture as a Catalyst for Propaganda”的原创性研究成果。
Abstract: Through computational-assisted analysis of the Weibo corpus of the Chinese Communist Youth League (CYL) spanning from 2013 to 2020, this paper unveils the strategic utilization of fandom culture by the CYL, the youth wing of the ruling party, in its nationalistic propaganda on the internet. Specifically, the CYL deliberately associates with the pop idols of the younger generation on Weibo, harnessing their influence to promote nationalistic content that encompasses both “pride-oriented” and “hostility-oriented” themes. Subsequent analysis reveals a greater propensity for nationalistic content to generate audience response compared to other types of content, particularly when endorsed by these pop idols. This research enriches our understanding of the CYL's propaganda efforts and contributes to the burgeoning scholarship on “soft propaganda” in China.
作者简介:夏守智,政治学博士,2022年9月至今任武汉大学政治与公共管理学院聘期制讲师;已完成和正在进行的研究关注媒体与政治、政治行为与心理、中国政治及计算社会科学等领域,在研究中应用机器学习、因果推断和实验等方法;在Political Behavior, Political Research Quarterly, The China Quarterly等政治学与区域研究权威期刊上发表论文多篇;参与美国中西部政治学(MPSA)年会、世界民意研究协会(WAPOR)年会等国际学术会议。